What this site is all about

This blog was created to allow friends and family of Don & Marion to post memories or thoughts of them in order to help ALL of us with our grief process.

Don and Marion's lives were extraordinary! They touched SO many people, in every walk of life, through MANY circumstances, and we all need a way to share our experiences, thoughts, stories, pictures, & memories of them.

Please feel free to add COMMENTS as often as you like, whenever you think of Don or Marion and want to just say you are thinking of them or that you miss them.

We hope you visit this site often and leave your comments and remarks so we all can be comforted or encouraged.

May your story or memory cause us a bit of cheer in our hearts as we reminiscence about Don and Marion.

Thank you!

DeeAnn & Jimmy Smith

Monday, July 12, 2010

Annual Award Ceremony

Last night Marion and I accepted Don's 29 year medallion from AA. It was absolutely an honor to be there and to meet and see so many people there who knew and loved Don! I am so proud of Don for being sober for 29 years! That is absolutely awesome! I am also so proud of all the other celebrants last night! It was such a terrific honor to be bale to be there and see and hear the celebration stories! Thanks Lambda for all you do!

1 comment:

DeeSmith said...

Sorry, I am having difficulty in having you add comments to the blog. IF anyone has a suggestion on how I can correct, this PLEASE reply to this threrad and let me know!