What this site is all about

This blog was created to allow friends and family of Don & Marion to post memories or thoughts of them in order to help ALL of us with our grief process.

Don and Marion's lives were extraordinary! They touched SO many people, in every walk of life, through MANY circumstances, and we all need a way to share our experiences, thoughts, stories, pictures, & memories of them.

Please feel free to add COMMENTS as often as you like, whenever you think of Don or Marion and want to just say you are thinking of them or that you miss them.

We hope you visit this site often and leave your comments and remarks so we all can be comforted or encouraged.

May your story or memory cause us a bit of cheer in our hearts as we reminiscence about Don and Marion.

Thank you!

DeeAnn & Jimmy Smith

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Guestbook from Dallas Morning News Obituary

July 11, 2010
Marion and Family,

I was shocked Friday night when a friend told me about Don's passing. He had been such a good friend for at least the last 10 years or so. He was one of the first to come to my side when I lost my partner two years ago. His generosity, love and compassion will never be forgotten. My heartfelt sympathies to you, his Family and all of us who lost such a wonderful spirit.
~ Glen Eichelberger, North Richland Hills, Texas

June 23, 2010
We New Yorkers first came to know Don through his amazing and powerful testimony on YouTube. He welcomed our efforts to reach him and get to know him. He thrilled us with his latest exploits in sharing the Good News and in opening people's minds as to the breadth of God's Love. Don's almost child-like enthusiasm for his new-found Christian faith was a breath of fresh air to us "old-timers," and we will treasure his memory and look forward to further fellowship in the New Jerusalem!! Prayers and love for his friends and family.
~ Fred Wells, New York, New York

June 18, 2010
Don added a sense of adventure to each day. When he was around you could be sure things would not be dull.
I met him in Montreal in the 90's. Where he was in perpetual from morning to night. He was a really great guy.
~ David Wilhelmi, Boston, Massachusetts

June 18, 2010
Met Don for the first time, back in the early 90's...I was embarrased to ask help for a Buffy outfit, while visiting Gratitudes. He laughed and helped me with a great dress and hat. We had a blast that afternoon
~ Jim Frederick, Dallas, Texas

June 18, 2010
Don was my hero and a wonderful friend for 25 years. I am a better person for having his friendship guide me through life. Milton and I extend our sympathies to Marion and everyone else who was touched by Don's loving kindness
~ Lisa Rice, San Antonio, Texas

June 18, 2010
Don was a dear and special friend to my son Stephen. I am sad that I had such a short time to share his company. He was a kind and loving person who's physical presence,style and smiles will be missed.
~ Nancy Spivey, Dallas, Texas

June 17, 2010
Don and Marion showed me their personality, hospitality, and kindness from the time I was 18, and it has been 20 great years. I am missing Don but know Marion has everything in him that I love and loved about both. I usually wanted to gobble them up, but shopped Gratitude instead, or Don would tell me over coffee that I needed to connect with people despite my fears. I am so thankful. Lots of Love.
~ Stephen Spivey, Troy, Michigan
June 17, 2010
I've never met anyone like Don before...He always knew the right thing to say to make me feel special and lived in such a selfless way. What a gift he had for bringing joy into the lives of others and loving life. His life inspires me to be fully present in relationships with others because each day we have--the life we are given--is a gift. Our deepest sympathies to Marion and family....We love you!
~ Jana Parker, Waco, Texas

June 17, 2010
Don and Marion have always been a bright star in my life. Don could dress me better than anyone. His vast knowledge of Couture Clothing and vintage wear would never cease to amaze me. It has been an honor to have Don and Marion in my life professionally and personally. He is sorely missed. My deepest love and sympathies to Marion who I will keep and hold close in my heart.
~Lynne Moon - Dallas, TX

June 17, 2010
My friend of almost 30 years overflowed with life, laughter, and love. Many of
my most interesting memories were spent in his, and Marion's, company.
~ Al Gironimi, Iron Mountain, Michigan

June 17, 2010
Life flows into death, as the river flows in to the sea. In death we only cease breathing as our breath is freed from its restless tide and rises up, expanded to seek God unencumbered.

When you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top, then you begin your climb.
And,when the earth finally claims your limbs, you then shall truly dance.

We know you are now dancing, climbing, and singing! We miss you.
Thank you for being our teacher, our confidant, and mostly, our Friend.
Peace be with you.
~Dr. Mark S Hayes and R. Scott Jeppesen
Jeppesen Hayes, Dallas, Texas

June 16, 2010
My life is better because I knew Don and know Marion. It was my honor to call Don friend.
~ Kat Armstrong, Dallas, Texas

June 16, 2010
We met Don 28 years ago at Northwest Bible Church in our Sunday School class.....quite an unforgettable character. We were drawn to Don's dry wit, humorous commentary on life and his search for God's reality in his life. His complete authenticity taught us more than he knew.

Marion, our heart goes out to you as you begin your life without your dear friend.

God's Peace.....
~ French & Amy Jones, Dallas, Texas

June 16, 2010
Don is an incredible artist and someone who lived a rich and life of vast experiences. Don was always open approachable and an open book regarding the truth of his life.
~ Mark Star, Dallas, Texas

June 16, 2010
What a pleasure to have Don as my cousin! He was always lots of fun, quick to laugh, and as others have said "so real." Don inspired me by the way he overcame hardships and found grace in life. Marion meant the world to Don and I was so happy for their committed relationship. Don has left his mark on the world, and it is a positive one. Surely no angel whill shine brighter than you when you smile, dearest Donnie.
Love always,
~Mary Jo & John Lee, Portland, Oregon

June 16, 2010
We will miss Don. I did not meet Don till a few years ago. His curiosity, passion, and frankness about his search for God was so refreshing. Especially in a culture where people are sometimes afraid to say what they really think. I always appreciated that he didn't mince words. He just spoke his mind and I'll really miss that. He should have a few more of his questions about God and Jesus answered by now.
~ Scott Nelles, McKinney, Texas

June 16, 2010
We will miss you.
~ Barbara, & Chuck Davis, Sachse, Texas

June 16, 2010
Don always had a hug and a smile for me. Everytime I saw him we could always find something to laugh about.He knew I am a big Elvis fan,so whenever he found something "Elvis" he would bring it to me.He always thought of that.The world was a better place because of Don.He will be missed.I feel fortunate to have been Don's friend and I will treasure my memories of him always.
~ Cathy Clark, Dallas, Texas

June 16, 2010
I thank the Universe for giving me Don.
~ Janna Chandler, Dallas, Texas

June 16, 2010
In the last couple of years, Don had an impact upon my life as few others have. He taught me a great deal about love and grace, about loyalty and family, about compassion and friendship, about mercy and selflessness. Until we meet again
~ Glenn Kreider

June 16, 2010
Don was a remarkable person, brave & generous & full of passion for life, and I'll miss him greatly.

It was winter when we first met, at a bar, on his first night ever in Boston, around 16 or 17 years ago. He checked out of his guesthouse the next day, & spent the remainder of his stay with me, at my place. One day during his stay it snowed, & I remember him running down the street with his face turned up toward the sky, his arms spread wide as if to catch the falling snow. He said he'd never touched or felt snow before, & seemed completely amazed by it. Me, I was just hoping it would stop!

You were lucky to have each other, Merion, as I'm sure you know. I wish I could be there now to share memories with you. One of these days let's talk.
~ Tom Merrill, Boston, Massachusetts

June 16, 2010
I'll never forget you, Don.
~ Nathan Keasler, Shreveport, Louisiana

June 16, 2010
My Memory of Don will always be that of a man who was full of love and creativity.
Don loved eclectic beautiful things… and shared his love so generously with all his friends.
I will never forget the time I called Don and told him I was working on a collection and I needed to find some 1950’s dresses to be inspired from... He quickly said lets go to Waco… and off we went. Don spent the entire day with me in his storage unit... it was so hot in that storage unit... it was a mid Texas hot summer and we were searching high and low for dresses... I will never forget the stories he told me about Mr. Cole and how he met Marion and how much he loved Grace Jones and clothes… I learned so much from Don about detail and appreciation for vintage objects and history…Don never did anything subtle... he always had this flair that just left you in awe... He could take anything and make it beautiful... I love Don so much and I will always love his smile and his realness... his caring way about him and never too busy for his friends... He always made time for his friends... I know someday I will see my friend again and we will laugh so hard like we did so many times... What an honor it is for me to say that I had the chance to know Don and to hang out with him…I am a better man because of him...
I love you Don... Heaven is one blessed place to have you…
Your friend forever Anthony Mark
~ Anthony Hankins, Los Angeles, California

June 16, 2010
Thanks Jay.
Don we will always take great pleasure in having known you. May you rest in peace. hal and steve

June 16, 2010
Dear Don, May you rest in peace.

To The Family; God is an ever-present help in your time of sorrow. Know that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

May God Bless You and keep You All is my prayer.

~M. Evans-Taulton

June 16, 2010
Don was a very fascinating guy and lived a very amazing life and helped many people by sharing his story. In recent years I come to know and learn much from Don. Rest in peace dear friend.
~ Jay Maggio, Dallas, Texas

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