What this site is all about

This blog was created to allow friends and family of Don & Marion to post memories or thoughts of them in order to help ALL of us with our grief process.

Don and Marion's lives were extraordinary! They touched SO many people, in every walk of life, through MANY circumstances, and we all need a way to share our experiences, thoughts, stories, pictures, & memories of them.

Please feel free to add COMMENTS as often as you like, whenever you think of Don or Marion and want to just say you are thinking of them or that you miss them.

We hope you visit this site often and leave your comments and remarks so we all can be comforted or encouraged.

May your story or memory cause us a bit of cheer in our hearts as we reminiscence about Don and Marion.

Thank you!

DeeAnn & Jimmy Smith

Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Don! I miss you!

Today Don would have been 57 years old. I miss him SO MUCH! I've had the pleasure of reading his journals and enjoy going through each one tenderly. As I find things that I want to share with you specifically I will send to you either in the mail or via email.

Tomorrow (9-10-11) we are having a Remembrance Celebration for Don & Marion at La Madeleine's on Lemmon off of Oak Lawn from 5-8 pm. Please RSVP if you would like to attend.

As you know, Sunday, 9-11-11 will be 15 months since Don died. I can't believe it's been that long already. This past Wednesday was 5 months since Marion died. I still can't believe he's gone too.

My heart is SO broken and wonder if it will ever heal. I am coping, but not a day goes by without thinking of and missing them both.

I was privileged to be back in their lives from Dec 2005-till their deaths. I know they are in a much better place, where no pain or tears exist and I know without a doubt that I will see them again someday and will spend eternity with them.

You, their dear friends, please always keep in touch with me and know you are very special to me too!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mother's Day

As I was posting pictures a moment ago, I came across the ones that were taken last year on Mother's Day. It was a wonderful day. Mom & Alvin met us after church at the Olive Garden in Weatherford for lunch. While we were eating Don called to tell us that they would be in Azle at Mom's that afternoon. So we hurried and all 4 of us drove to Azle to be there when they arrived. They had never seen Alvin's house before and we were all looking forward to seeing Don & Marion.

Alvin, Mom's husband, was a big game hunter and his "trophies" are in their garage. Look at the pictures that I took of us all together in there that day. I love the expression on Don's face as she was standing beside the bear! LOL

After seeing the garage we went into their lovely home where we sat and visited a while. Don gave Mom a Mother's day card and signed it saying that " this will probably be the last mother's day card he would ever give to her." He was right.

Still so hard to believe it's been 10-1/2 months since Don died. I miss him terribly...everyday! I miss talking with him, being with him, I miss our texts and emails.

Mom misses him so much too. She will cry at the drop of a hat at any thought of him. She is comforted in knowing Don is in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ who he grew to know and love his last 3 years or so of his life. This is the only real comfort we have.

I know Mother's day is next Sunday, and now both my Mom and Pauline (Marion's mom) are each without a son. Please pray for them this week and all of us in the days and weeks ahead.

I've heard it said that time heals all wounds, well I need a lot more time to heal over the loss of Don & Marion.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter without my brothers!

A co-worker just brought me a chocolate marshmellow chocolate egg. Took me back to about 5th or 6th grade when we lived on the corner of Manett and Garrett in Dallas. One of Mom's friends, Joyce Maxwell, brought Donnie and I a BIG box of chocolates for Easter. Such a huge box or so it seemed big at the time. Mom let us have 1 piece, and the rest of it went in the deep freezer and we were allowed to have 1 piece (or if a big chocolate bunny, then we could break off an ear or some part) and eat it once a day.

This is my first Easter without both Don & Marion. Incredible that they are both gone. I miss them both so very much. My heart is broken.

I know they are together and are in Heaven with Jesus and that someday I will join them. I treasure each memory I have of them until I am reunited with them again.

Hope you and your family have a very Blessed Easter!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

From Nancy Spivey, Dallas, Texas

Paula and Pauline, I have never met either of you, but I did know Don and Marion. I am so sorry they are not with us. Marion was a dear gentle soul for whom my heart has ached. I will miss him. My thoughts are with you. I hope you find comfort in the hugs of his many friends.

From Stephen Spivey, Dallas, Texas

Marion was so wonderful. He was beautiful. He cared about others and he had a rich personality and sense of humor. I'm glad I got to know him over the years. Treasuring him will have to be done in my thoughts and prayers now. I'm very sorry for both families losses.

From JoAnn Prestridge, Weatherford, Texas

Marion was such a wonderful man, loving & generous to all. I will miss him. May the Lord give you comfort in your loss.

March 11, 2011

Marion was like a brother to me and I loved him dearly. I will miss him SO MUCH and am thankful he is now in heaven with Don. I shall see them both again. My love and prayers are with all the family and his many friends!

DeeAnn Smith
Weatherford, Texas

Friday, March 11, 2011


March 7, 2011 Marion joined Don in heaven. I still can't believe he's gone. We are all in shock. He was so lonely for Don and just wanted to be reunited with him.

Please keep us all in your prayers as tomorrow is the Memorial service at 10:00 am in Paradise, TX Church of Christ.