What this site is all about

This blog was created to allow friends and family of Don & Marion to post memories or thoughts of them in order to help ALL of us with our grief process.

Don and Marion's lives were extraordinary! They touched SO many people, in every walk of life, through MANY circumstances, and we all need a way to share our experiences, thoughts, stories, pictures, & memories of them.

Please feel free to add COMMENTS as often as you like, whenever you think of Don or Marion and want to just say you are thinking of them or that you miss them.

We hope you visit this site often and leave your comments and remarks so we all can be comforted or encouraged.

May your story or memory cause us a bit of cheer in our hearts as we reminiscence about Don and Marion.

Thank you!

DeeAnn & Jimmy Smith

Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas.. or can it be?

Well here it is December 20 and only 5 days til Christmas. Doesn't seem real to me. My sweet brother Don isn't with us this year and we are feeling such an emptiness that mere words can't describe this hole in my heart. I know Marion feels the same.

We went to Ennis to 'celebrate' Christmas with the Dent family cousins and those who were able to attend. It was nice seeing everyone but I just kept expecting and WANTED Don to be there.. to talk to each of us and share some of his wonderful and funny stories or thoughts. He always had something wonderful to share!

We miss him SO MUCH and it's so hard to celebrate Christmas, although Don LOVED this special time of the year. At home we set out the 2' tall Christmas Tree that Don & Marion gave me in 2006 for my very first Christmas back in Texas after so many years. It was perfect then, because they decorated it together and gave it to me. After that first year I gently wrapped a blanket around it with all of the ornaments and lights still on it just how they gave it to me and placed it in the attic. Well, this year Jimmy brought it down and set it up in our living room. It's BEAUTIFUL and just right. I love looking at it and touching the ornaments knowing Don and Marion placed them on the tree just for me. It makes me feel closer to him somehow. Weird huh? Oh well, that's me just weird, but so much missing my brother!

We are not 'doing' Christmas this year and really didn't do it last year. We got together last year but we didn't do the gift exchange like every other year. Don was so sick at this time last year and all I wanted was for HIM TO BE WITH US FOR CHRISTMAS! That's all I want this year too, but it won't happen for me because Don is spending his first of a eternity of Christmas' days with Jesus in Heaven. I can't wait to join him there!

Instead of doing Christmas for our family, we chose a family or families to buy gifts for. Those who really needed something. Yesterday was a very special day for me and I know Don would have loved to hear about it. I don't know if you listen to KLTY 94.9 radio in the Dallas area, but they are a christian radio station and have a 'Christmas Wish' each year. People write in letters for those who they know have a true NEED and if someone 'adopts' this family then their wish is granted.

Well, I wrote in a letter about a co-worker's friend who is 42 and has stage 4 cancer. She has a 10 yr daughter and 2 grown children. Well, my wish was granted by an incredible oncology nurse in Dallas who put the word out to all of her friends and family on facebook, etc. Together they raised enough money to pay her rent for 1 month, paid her electric and gas bill, bought the daughter a bicycle, bought Wanda a video recorder so she can record stories and things for her children to hear even years from now when she is no longer with them. They gave her money, laptop, gift cards, also craft kits for her young daughter, who started making things right away. It was a wonderful memory and one that I will treasure always. I know Don would have loved to hear me tel him all about this as well, and I think he somehow saw or somehow knows what we do.

I do hope each of you have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the true meaning of Christmas by celebrating Christ's birth. Please keep Marion, my Mom and myself in your prayers this week as it will probably be the hardest week for us thus far.

We each love you so very much!